MAC 2007...a sketch |
I love to draw and have filled many small pocket-sized sketchbooks with my observations. Not only are they a way to pass time pleasantly while waiting, they are a way of keeping a visual diary. My sons have all been runners, so we have spent countless weekend hours at meets, both outdoor and indoor over the years. My books reflect the triumphs, the defeats, pleasures, and my attempts at understanding both the figure and human nature. I immediately feel calm when I withdraw my book from my bag and start to move the pencil around the page. I have found that people tend to resume the same 3-4 positions as they watch an event......due to weight shifting, turning for conversations, etc. So........I often have more than one drawing going at once of an individual. Of course, some are never finished and remain an eternal squiggle when the unknowing model wandered off. The drawing "MAC 2007" is a finished drawing of one of the scorekeepers at the indoor MAC championships held at The University of Akron. I like it.