Lemons and Merlot oil 20 x 10 |
Banquet oil 20 x 60 x 1.5 |
is a slice created from reference photos taken for a larger work created in 2010. The challenge for this work was a call from a Cleveland cooking school to create works that would be auctioned as a benefit for their school. We artists were led to believe that our works would bring a fair market profit. Of course, my imagination ran wild with possibilities. On a blistering summer day, I created the set-up on my patio, with items purchased and from my cupboards. (Whoa....fish on a hot platter on a hot table on a hot patio) I photographed the work from left to right in sections. This work took a couple of months to complete. And, as artists' luck would have it, the auction was attended only by employees and students of the school. There were few benefactors and even fewer sales. "Banquet" was sold at a far lower price that even I had imagined possible. Love's labor lost. Unfortunately, I still harbor a bit of resentment. These memories are quite painful, actually. And, once again, that horrible grown-up lesson that there will always be those who take advantage of artists. I learned a lot. Again.
Luckily, I still have all of those reference photos that make my set-up that summer all too real. There are many possibilities. I guess that is what I thrive on...possibilities.