Vintage Vinegar Jar watercolor 11.5 x 8 |
as an artist is difficult to come by. Long ago, I read somewhere that it takes 500 + paintings in order to find one's style, one's place in the painting spectrum. In the beginning, we are just trying to "get it right". It takes plenty of brush yielding to attain the freedom to own your work....to make it your own. Contemporary galleries often desire work that is incredibly specialized....the painter repeating the same forms over and over with slight variances, in order for collectors to be able to recognize THE WORK. I am a naysayer. While I enjoy figurative work immensely, I also enjoy painting all kinds of things...even a landscape or two now and then. In this case, I found this vintage vinegar jar at our local art center where shelves are filled with all manner of interesting objets, all ripe for the painting. I enjoyed this little exercise. I like to think that it is my manner of application, my stroke-making, my individual hand, that defines my work. My life. My decision. My self-definition.
I can paint whatever stirs something in me. Yeah!