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Monday, March 11, 2013

Simple Wicker Chair with Detail

Simple Wicker Chair with Detail   oil/canvas   40 x 30 x 1.5
Why would I paint a chair?  A simple chair?  The two chair paintings that I have done in the past several months are, quite simply, objects of beauty to me.  They represent comfort, quality, a purity of spirit, and all the warmth that is "home".  While painting, I thought of all of the artisans whose work led up to my work:  the designer of the chair, the artisan who wove it, the designer of the fabric whose colors and patterning catch my eye.  These are the artists whose work contributed to this work...a collaboration of sorts.  And, I will confess that I had to pay close attention to the rhythm of the weaving in order to represent its qualities.

Wicker is complex.  Wicker is enduring.  Wicker is comfortable and light weight. 

A tribute, of a simple chair.