Bibliophile Mixed/Paper 14 x 7 |
sounds like the name of a day care center. And just think of the fun to be had there! Crayolas, paper, blunt-edged scissors and glue sticks galore! Sometimes we artists take ourselves much too seriously and skip over play time without accessing its benefits. A few weeks back at our art club, we had a model session where each participant took a turn at a 10 minute pose. My goal for the evening was to attempt to render each pose with as little detail as possible. My paper for the evening was a thin 90# cold press watercolor. Efforts on newsprint are forever locked into practice, as the paper disintegrates into yellowed nothingness. Of the 5 or 6 done that evening, the one of Shannon reading a book was the most successful. It was interesting to me. It sat on my work table a while before I decided where it would take me. First I made a template from tracing paper to cover the figure. The copy was then worked using petite rubber stamps....oh, the boredom. Then watercolor on top. I resisted the urge to return the figure for more detail.
Fun. Not-so-serious. Yeah.