Five O'Clock Shadow watercolor 20 x 13 |
It really is a great time to paint landscapes...what, with all the color and all. Our weekly painting assignment was to capture a beautiful autumn landscape with our cameras. We would be painting from our photos, as working outdoors is impossible during class. ( I do believe, however, that those who paint out of doors on a regular basis are more able to translate these photos in a realistic and natural way). I don't much enjoy landscapes. I prefer including houses or people or some element of humanity. My husband does not understand it. That being said, I was fretting about the weekly assignment myself. Our niece's wedding reception was being held at Hale Farm and Village. Accompanying us were my husband's parents who had made the trip up from North Carolina. As there was a bit of a gap between the wedding and the reception, we sat on picnic tables in the crisp autumn air, waiting for the the caterers to complete the set-up. Voila. Before me the sun was magical in its goldenness. The time: 5 pm. The memory: wonderful. "Five O'Clock Shadow" was the result. My assignment: complete.