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Monday, November 9, 2020

Essential Lotto

Essential Lotto...ARtGraf graphite block on paper...30 x 16 Ideas come in fits and spurts. During my many walks each week doing a loop around the central area of our small township, I took note of the people going in and out the door of Circle K.....and caused me to wonder just what was essential enough to dawn and mask and shop at a convenience store....gas? made-to-go sandwiches and hotdogs? and, yes....LOTTO. A dream of winnings that might be the way out for many folks of the apathy and distress that seem to hover over this period in time. So....surrepticiously, I shot many photos of these customers as they entered and departed. The plan was to create a series of figurative works describing what each of these individuals considered to be essential. The woman in this work was not took her many minutes to unfold from her car and conduct her business. The door itself was not easy for her to maneuver. Several minutes later, she emerged with a long string of lotto tickets. Ah...THE DREAM. I am quite happy with this work. I hope she scratches off a winning number. I wish her hope.

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