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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Yellow J - The Grass Always Being Greener

Painting portraits is something I love to do.  In this case, I shot the reference photo myself at a family celebration.  I worked hard on this work, searching and searching for the perfect likeness....and, I think it arrived at that.  Some days, strokes were applied one by one throughout the day....there was almost a bit of fear.  At this point, I was yearning for a real-life situation...a hurried, spontaneous work that contains a bit (or several bits) of truth while not always 100% accurate.  My goals are many, but having an energetic overall feel is of the utmost importance.  No pieces/parts. To arrive quickly is often a fresh breath of air...the strokes contain energy and resolve, as opposed to timidity....and, yet, as always, I am yearning for the place in-between....maybe this is impossible?

I must try to accept the fact that not quite arriving is what drives artistic excellence...

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