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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Art for Art's Sake

Zinnia   oil/canvas   24 x 8

I greatly admire the work of Oscar Wilde.  If I could choose a dinner guest, he certainly would be at the top.  What a wit!

  His brain seems to go to quirky and ultra observant places.  His leanings were toward art for art's sake...each work being unto its self.  I guess that is where my leanings are as well.

Leftover painted over canvas+

Late in the season sole tall zinnia in a pot of shorter companion+

Desire to put something into the given space=

Art for art's sake.

A zinnia memorialized.

Fun quote from Oscar Wilde via the J. Peterman catalogue:

Rugby is a good occasion for keeping thirty bullies far from the center of the city.

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