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Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Jane Kovacic...a sketch
Today is a milestone - a big one. I am removing my small sketchbook from my bag and replacing it with a clean and untouched new one. This small book has recorded events and notations since March of 2006 when it was begun. This precious visual diary is now in dangerous condition.....the beautiful cover and binding are pulling away from its pages. It contains hundreds of drawings of family members in recreation and sickness; track and field athletes; and, of course, drawings of my artist friends. It even contains essential insurance information from a traffic accident several years ago when it was the only paper at hand. Despite the fact that I am never successful at multi-tasking, I have, for some strange reason, developed a tolerance for listening to speakers and drawing at the same time. In fact, it is an optimum experience and extremely pleasurable. I beg forgiveness from all speakers past and present as I work and listen simultaneously. One of the first drawings in the book is of fellow artist (and one of my heroines) Jane Kovacic as she uses binoculars at a critique. The drawing has been done in brown china marker and, I believe, captures her character. Many of the drawings are complete; many are faulty in one way or another; and most have been abandoned quite early on. These efforts reflect my life and these marks mirror both my searching and my successes and failures.

A beautiful new leather book has already been selected.....very exciting. Sometimes I leave the first page blank as the pressure of the FIRST PAGE is just too daunting. Time to move on.

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