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Monday, May 17, 2010

Understudy/Underdog...could be a good thing

Understudy   oil/canvas   36 x 24 x 1.5
Painting from models is a reciprocal relationship.  I believe that they take away unspoken learned things from the painter.  And, if the painter is paying attention, she goes away with "things learned" as well.  The model for understudy is an extremely talented singer/dancer, from what I hear.  During the time she modeled, however, she was currently in the role of "understudy", the one who does all of the work yet receives no stage presence, no glory.  In our culture it seems that the silver medalist is not revered.  Neither the bronze.  Neither those who make herculean efforts without winning.  We want the gold.  We desire to be the only one on top.  Sometimes to the point of undermining the efforts of others in our selfish greed.  Too bad.  I think that we can all benefit from the role of understudy....learning the lines, dancing the dances and singing the songs just because we enjoy them so much.  I believe that life presents us with lessons that we have yet to learn.  Can it be here that we learn to value the process?  No jitters.  No stage anxiety.  Psychologically a very very good place to be.  I guess that I believe we can all use some wins.  And, likewise, some roles as understudies.  Genuine.  Human.  And our model?  I hear she is doing very very well.

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